Monday, 25 April 2016

I'm Back!

Oh goodness, where has the past year (or two) gone!? I can’t believe I haven’t sat down to even think about blogging for over a year now, naught naughty me. But, to be honest, I just really haven’t had the time, money or inspiration to crack open the laptop and write about the latest beauty, hair and skincare items that have hit the shelves. Plus, I have been really struggling with my eye health for the past year, so much so my confidence has really taken a hit and posting pictures of my puffy eyes for all the interweb to see isn’t exactly number one on my to do list. But the number one thing that has been taking up my time is a little Cocker Spaniel puppy named Dylan. Late nights, early mornings and constant play fighting has definitely taken its toll on my get up and go but, now that Dyl is over a year old, I feel like it’s finally time to get back to being me and not one of those crazy ‘all-I-can-talk-about-is-my-puppy’ women and get back on it with my beauty blogging. I really have missed it!

Anyway, now that the excuses are out of the way, let’s get down to business. I’m not going to say that I’m going to go back to posting everyday (unfortunately time still won’t allow me to do that!) but I have missed the interaction and sharing my views with you all so much that it’s come to a point where I just NEED to starting blogging again. I’m going to start with posting every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday and I’ll see how things go from there, sound good?

Oh, I almost forgot to mention my new blogging name and layout! To go along with my new lease of blogging life, I thought I would give my blog a complete makeover including a whole new name – The Beauty Log, and a cleaner and crisp design to go with. Let me know what you think!

What have you all been up to? Don't forget to follow me on all  my new social media accounts!

Take care x


  1. Good luck with your blogging adventure. I've recently taken a huge break from my blog as well and after two kids I'm almost ready to start again. I love your template. Looks great.
    I'll be keeping up with you :) where are you from? I'm in Calgary Canada.
    Lauren xx

    1. Thank you, I think I am going to need it! Im in the U.K about an hour away from London! I'll be sure to follow you too :) x

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